I wanted to put a bug in your ear about an interesting possibility. Recently I’ve been approached by a couple of potential scriptwriting clients about the idea of coming up to my farm in New Hampshire for an intensive script consultation with me on a project of theirs. We’re talking about a period of time ranging from a weekend to a couple of weeks.
I love the idea (obviously on a limited basis) because this in-person work is a very productive way to really dig into a script and make enormous progress in a relatively short period. I’ve done this numerous times with writers at playwright/screenwriter conferences around the country, but never at my own place in the hills of southwest NH. At least not with scriptwriting clients. I’ve held many script pow wows here with my own producing teams on our film company’s projects, but this will be the first time I’m actually opening up this possibility to my writer clients.
My rambling spread is in the hills of Stoddard, NH in the heart of northern New England. We’re on a high ridge overlooking the famous Mt. Monadnock to the south. From our big front porch (where we’ve conducted countless script and production meetings) we overlook the Green Mountains in Vermont 60-70 miles away to the west.
We have a private beach on Granite Lake just down the road and our property borders on 15,000 acres of forest preserve. Suffice it to say, it’s conducive to the creative spirit and to harnessing that special energy that comes with it. An added bonus is that I might be able to pull in my producing partner, writer/director Aaron J. Wiederspahn, to join us on the porch for a session or two, especially if we’re discussing a pertinent film we’ve just screened together.
I’ve investigated several possible housing arrangements and there are ample opportunities to rent a place nearby for a short-term stay. This is a major laid-back summer vacation region, so finding a B&B or other accommodations is very doable. Prices run the gamut.
Just thought I’d throw this out there, seeing I have clients already suggesting it. Let me know if you’d be interested in discussing the possibility further. Best way to reach me directly is at buzz@eitherorfilms.com or contact me through my website at www.buzzmclaughlinscripts.com. Could be a fun way to get a lot of good work done on your project in a very short period of time.
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